Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Bailey and me!

Yesterday was my Wonderlab Bailey and my anniversary!

I adopted her 7 years ago from the Southern Arizona Humane Society.
And I am very lucky.
She is the best dog ever!
Besides being super smart, she is super nice, super cute and super funny.
As you can tell, I am completely unbias!
She is now 11.5 years old and still going strong.

This photo is something her and I created when one of our friends was sick.
It makes me laugh everytime I look at it.
I still can't believe that Bailey balanced the doctor's hat on her head as long as she did.

I love the Humane Society for all that they do!
Check them out, your best friend is waiting!


Jed! said...

Congrats to Mia and Bailey! Clearly you guys have added so much to each others' lives, and you each have much more to give!

I hope you continue to act as ambassadors spreading the word about adopted pets and HSSAz!

Mia said...

Thanks for the great comment!
Mia and Bailey